Celebrating over 50 years


Support the Arts – Receive a Substantial Tax Credit


Each year, nearly 4,000 area students thrill to the beauty of ballet and live orchestral music during The Nutcracker for Students arts education program. Businesses can support this tradition and receive a substantial tax credit by making a contribution to the Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley through the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program.

 Why contribute to the Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley?

**The arts are key to a high quality of life

**Children of all income levels participate

**Teachers receive arts education resources to extend this experience

We hope we can count on your support!

We invite you to support The Nutcracker for Students Program by making a contribution through the Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. Pennsylvania has recognized The Nutcracker for Students as an innovative education program under the EITC program. By making a qualified corporate contribution, your company will be eligible for a tax credit equal to 75 percent of your contribution, up to $750,000, and in some cases, up to 90 percent of your contribution.

 To learn more:

The Nutcracker for Students Program: EITC – The Nutcracker for Students

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Opportunity: EITC PA – Opportunity

PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program

 Please email us with any questions at pyb@rcn.com