Celebrating over 50 years

Summer Dance Program – Week 5 (already!)

Posted on 7.20.15 in Blog

Peter Merz

We welcome this week esteemed ballet instructor, Peter Merz, former Associate Professor of Dance and head of ballet at Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, and newly-named Director of the Frederick Quinney Lawson Ballet West Academy in Salt Lake City, Utah. He will be teaching students in our daytime Pre-Professional Summer Intensive classes. Our unique event “Meet the Artist” will take place on Thursday, July 23, 12;30-1:00 p.m. Students and their parents/guardians are invited to our third floor studios at that time to meet Mr. Merz and to learn more about his dance career. A question and answer session will follow.

You can read about Mr. Merz by clicking on the following link: Peter Merz Information Sheet.