Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley, Inc. is pleased to announce it has received a grant from the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation. Countless young and underserved children, who might otherwise never have an experience like this, have the chance to enjoy a live orchestra – the South Side Sinfonietta – and theatrical dance performance of “The Nutcracker” ballet, performed by the Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, with guest artists from the world’s finest ballet companies and accompanied by a children’s choir during the “Waltz of the Snowflakes.” The importance of the arts and arts education to children’s development has been well documented by research. A study with at-risk students has shown that, with art-rich experiences in school, they do better across the board academically and become more active and engaged citizens.
The BGLV’s arts education objectives are two-fold:
• Its young performers will develop discipline, perseverance, improved powers of concentration and artistic awareness by dancing on stage with renowned guest artists in front of their peers;
• Young audiences will experience the thrill of live theatrical performance, begin to acquire an aesthetic sense and be inspired to their own creativity and self-expression.
All these qualities will help to promote a healthy lifestyle and outlook, benefiting performers, spectators, and the community as a whole.
Check out our newest addition to our sensational class schedule – Broadway Dance!!! Ages 11 & Up! Study with professional theatre performers ...